Thursday, July 11, 2019

Looking Forward

"Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the Sanhedrin who was himself looking forward to the kingdom of God, came and boldly went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’s body." -Mark 15:43 CSB

I wonder how many Americans who would call ourselves Christian could have such a statement written about us. What about our lives would say that we are looking forward to the kingdom of God? For many of us our days are too full of distractions to do much for the kingdom of God. We are often more devoted to culture, entertainment, reputation, and our various daily activities than we are to Christ and his kingdom. We do little with intent to bring glory to God. Doesn't this feel off base to anyone else?

I was raised in a Christian home and for that I am grateful. Also, I was raised in a theologically strong, mission oriented church. I would say that I was given just about every Christian advantage anyone could receive. Yet I didn't come to a point where my faith was personal to me until I was a teen. My religious background taught me a lot, but I could never hope to be much different than anyone else in the world until the Spirit of God wrecked my heart with the love of Jesus. Many people today are just like I was before Jesus made himself real to me. We believe in him intellectually, but our hearts remain relatively unconditioned by the message of the gospel.

How do I know this is true? Because of how few Christians I know who are truly bold about anything regarding their supposed faith. Joseph could have died for his devotion to Jesus. He risked status, reputation... his very livelihood to come out as someone who cared for Jesus and yet he did it. For many so called Christians in our day, we are afraid to stand up and take a Christian position on issues at hand for fear of what people might say or do. We are unwilling to put our phones down and pray. We are unwilling to turn off Facebook and Netflix for a while to spend time in God's word daily listening for his voice. I know we don't have Joseph's faith because there are few signs of such boldness amongst many believers in our culture today.

I don't write this to discourage anyone per se, but I do want to see people grieved over how little we love God. I want us to feel something again regarding Jesus and the life he has called us to. Perhaps if we could grieve over our sin and indifference again, we would turn our hearts back to God and the Spirit would walk with us and teach us as never before. Then also we would make a profound impact for the Gospel in our land.

I am crazy enough to believe that God wants a holy, single-minded church in America. He wants a church that is obsessed with Jesus, his glory, and his kingdom over everything else. I also know that God is not withholding himself from his children. If anything, we are withholding ourselves from him. Have you wandered from God? He is calling you to repent once again and return to him. If you are hearing him speak to you in this, realize he does not convict you to crush you, but to restore you. His endgame is your good and his glory. Those two are very closely related so don't tarry any longer in apathy and sin when Jesus is calling.

Oh... and remember that he loves you. His bloody cross and empty tomb stand eternally to remind you that this is true.

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